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Pointagram TEam

Pointagram Updates for November

Hello Pointagramers! 

A great update has come your way. It’s valuable for those who compete, visualize data and show data on TV Screens! Check them out and let us know what you think!

Competitions - Delayed Ending

Keep the competition open for this many hours after the end.

Use this option to postpone the end of your competition. This allows your competition to be open for adding points after the end date of the competition as long as these points have a score time within the competitions start and end date.

The new setting is found under Competition settings

After this number of hours, the competition will be ended and winners will get their rewards.

Cast - Repeating Competition and Previous Competitions

Follow repeating competitions in cast
Only applicable for repeating competitions. With this option set, the cast will replace completed competitions with the next competition.
Keep previous competition in the cast for this many hours after the end
This option will delay the replacement of a repeating competition. This allows you to show the winners of the previous competitions before starting to cast the next competition.
The new setting is found under Cast settings

Widgets - Now Supporting Sum Of Counts

Prior to this update Pointagram only supported Sum of Points in a Widget. That is great but in some cases, one would like to show how many transactions have been made for a specific point type instead of getting total points. Now you can!
The new setting is found under Widget settings

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